
Showing posts from 2009

Bye Bye Zembly :(

This is in the memory of my favourite social programming platform Zembly which was an interesting attempt of Sun Microsystems making easy writing the applications for social platforms such as Facebook, Orkut, Meebo, OpenSocial and the iPhone by sharing services and widgets with the developer community. One of my blog post posted earlier this year, has a JavaFX Piano widget hosted on Zembly , and one of the JQuery games which I couldnt manage to finish :( . So far I dont know clearly why its being shut down, below is an excerpt from the mail which I received from Sun. " We regret to inform you that on November 30th, 2009 we will be suspending this service. More than three years ago, we started this project with the goal of making it easy to create next-generation Web apps. Our original tagline was "Build the web, using the web," and the ideas we were incubating around platform-mediated Web applications, Web API mashups, and social programming were brand new. We learned

JavaFX 1.2+ Spring + Hibernate

Related to discussions going on in BoJUG , I was tempted to develop a Proof-of-Concept for using JavaFX as view technology in a web application backed by spring and hibernate stack . Well Spring already provides remoting support for communicating to rich clients. Currently,spring supports four remoting technologies . In my application, I am using Spring's HTTP Invoker which allows for Java serialization via HTTP, supporting any Java interface (just like the RMI invoker). The corresponding support classes are 1) org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean is a factory bean for HTTP invoker proxies. It behaves like the proxied service when used as bean reference, exposing the specified service interface. Serializes remote invocation objects and deserializes remote invocation result objects. 2) org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerServiceExporter is an HTTP request handler that exports the specified service bean as HTTP invoker service endpoint,

JavaFX and JQuery Widgets with Zembly

Since, I attended the BOJUG meet on JavaFX in Dec 2008 ,I was very excited about trying it out. Finally I managed to get some time to work on it.I found it easy and fun to learn as it is almost like writing Java2D code in a more sophisticated form. I was looking out for ways to create something that can be shared across blogging and other social networking sites something like flash widgets but not in flash.Being a Java developer it looks very scary to me ;). Then almost a month and a half back I got to know about this new browser based social programming environment Zembly from Sun Microsystems . I was not fully aware of how these widgets are published simultaneously on various social networks.But after exploring Zembly I found creating these kind of widgets very easy and interesting.My interest dragged me to write these two small apps which are published on Blogger and iGoogle using Zembly. Added below is a JavaFX piano which can be played through keyboard(use Keys:A,W,E,D,R,T,G,